Saturday, June 23, 2007

Knitting and relationships

No news yet about anything new.

But it got me wondering whether there was a correlation between knitting and relationships.

Finishing a project takes commitment and time, and a relationship takes commitment and time.

Starting a new project can be fiddly and uncertain, as can a new relationship.

So why is it that I'm comfortable casting on for new projects, but horrible at dipping my foot in the relationship pool?

It feels as though it's always been this way. One bad boyfriend whom I felt was getting rough and wouldn't stop, a few indecisive jerks, one guy who fell in love with me and left me, another guy who refused to kiss me plus 2 stalkers = scared me.

But still, I keep trying. No matter how futile my efforts are, I still think to myself if you try a little bit more today than yesterday, it won't be as hard.

I just am so tired of being lonely, and I think I've personally handled a lot on my own. I think it's time I had someone in my life. Hopefully it will happen, and whether it's now, 6 months from now or whenever, I will welcome that change with open arms. Far be it from me to rush destiny, but I'd like it all to change a bit sooner than later.

Knitting, yes, the knitting. I will post all my pictures tomorrow.

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