Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So, I wrote about my sockpal sock being, ahem, stalled here.

I'd like to clarify something: I am not passing judgment on my sockpal. It is well within her right to ask me to please knit her/him a pair of socks in the color/s they choose. I have chosen to do so, and though I'm not a fan of brown socks, the socks look amazing in the semi-solid Koigu.

I have never met the person I am knitting for, so I cannot say anything about her/his nature (though being a knitter, I'm sure that like every other knitter I know, they are an exceptional human being. no sarcasm here, I'm including myself too!).

I in no way meant for that post to alarm or offend anyone, and though I don't know whether it did/didn't, I feel that I must say this to assure anyone who reads my blog. *side note: ya'll can comment, I swear I don't bite!*

I wanted just to put this out there in light of Stephanie's eloquent post about blogs not being private.

As for passing judgment, I will only ever pass it on myself. If it seems to go over the line w/ anyone in the blog-land, it was unintentional.

Sockpal -- I've got progress but no cable to connect the camera to the Mac. I might try camera phone . . . . :)


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