Sunday, May 20, 2007

My job

I love my job and what I do. Seriously.

Sometimes, as with all jobs that I have had and not just this one, it seems that a lot of the sh*t that hits the proverbial fan is slung my way. That would just be my perception, and everyone tends to see themselves as getting the short end of the stick, but thenagain that's why they call it perception.

I will never mention who I work for, or any colleagues I work with. That's not fair, as it does not give them a way to defend themselves. It also may be grounds for me to be dooced.

Everyone has trials and tribulations they must face. Broken arm, loss of a job, sick family member, etc. My trials and tribulations this year include, but are not limited to the following:
-> the bathroom flooding 2x -- 1 with the washer and 1 with the pipes
-> waking up to a bat in the house
-> leading to RABIES post-exposure vaccines
-> rodents nesting under the hood of my car, costing $630 to have it re-wired
-> the same car stalling for NO reason
-> taking my dog to the emergency vet 3 times -- 1 for a bruised eye, 1 for eating chocolate (poison for dogs) and 1 for chewing up an old ant trap

I'm sure there is more. But nothing compares to the RABIES scare. That is some scary sh*t, and I'm damn near 30 and I was freaking out for 6 weeks.

So, add all that together and one might be calling me up going, "Uh, is your doctor going to put you on anti-depressants, 'cause I'd be mighty down that the universe was kickiing my a** 6-ways to Tuesday." Add on Accu-tane = dry, flaky, itchy skin/scalp and you get even more down.

Take the above + minor work stuff = "I'm as mad as h*ll and I'm not going to take it anymore." Not to that extreme, but you get the drift. Go rent Network btw, great movie.

Makes me want to lie down with a few aspirin and a stiff drink. Except there is that Accu-tane warning, "Do not drink alcohol," that nullifies that wish.

Thank goodness the knitting helps -- it's better than drugs! :)

Pictures tomorrow -- I did the heel of my 1st sockpal sock! I know, stop the presses!!!

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