Saturday, March 8, 2008

fed up

Today was a wash.

I had to get up early to take Thyroid kitty to the vet -- needed to check and see whether the medication was working. I got there early in the hopes I'd get out early. No such luck. In fact, little diva didn't see the vet, she saw only a technician 'cause I couldn't wait any longer.

I then had to RUSH to a WW staff meeting in Plaistow, which is 42-miles each way from my house. Nothing like central locations for meetings. I show up, on a SATURDAY mind you, in the clothes I had rushed to get on to take kitty to the vet only to learn that these meetings are DRESS UP. Someone had the balls to mention it to me, and I kept saying, "Well, if I had known . . ." I got looks likes I SHOULD have known but let's review something shall we:

-> I don't read minds
-> There was NO mention of this in an e-mail I got
-> It was MY Saturday that you hijacked, last minute on Thursday night at 9pm
-> The last time I had to go to a staff meeting I was an RA and we wore jeans
-> No One told me (again, not my fault)
-> Am I meant to try to impress you people?
-> Comfort over fashion any day my friends
-> Can we review taking kitty, who wanted to scratch my eyes out, to the vet again? She likes to barf on the way there. I'm sure that would have been appreciated -- me in dress clothes covered in cat barf. Lovely.

I probably should have apologized to my TM for it, but screw it. You people act like I should know the rules when you don't hand them out, and I get to look bad? Sorry. I felt underdressed, true, but there should be a warning to newbies to dress up. I refuse to take full responsibility for this. You no likey? Tough schnikes.

On the way home I was blindsided by a wicked bad headache. Came home and napped for 3.5 hours, and it's gone now but holy jeepers, I was in pain.

1 comment:

Mychawd said...

You go girl! They were probably just jelous that they didn't get to wear jeans too!