Saturday, September 15, 2007


i'm in a funk. nothing seems to be going right -- friends, family, job, social life. hell, i even had a friend yell across the parking lot on tuesday night that she thinks i'm a virgin. while neither denying nor confirming that comment, it is something that shouldn't have been yelled across the parking lot. it can be seen as hurtful.

the guy. we talked, in person, for about 20 minutes on tuesday. all seems fine. he likes my e-mails. he (i think) likes me. talks about food, restaurants (he'll eat this, and i'll eat that) and then . . . ? wtf?

friends. try to go to a dirty 30s bash tonight, cannot find it in hampton, nh. seriously you DMFs, find some GD street signs. all other friends good.

family can kiss my a**. all of them -- parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmother -- all ya'll can just about drop dead and i'd probably not blink tonight. tomorrow, that'll be another story. and my mom can't stop trying to FIX it all. shut up.

job. for fuck's sake can ya'll stop judging me on number of submittals? i may not place a whole fuck a lot of people but i saw 17 people this last week -- how many did ya'll MFs (and T, you're excluded in this rant -- ignore this one, 'kay?) see? and don't pussy foot around the fact that you ousted me of another event. stupid b*tch.

i hate everything tonight. hate to be a downer, and i know it's not knitting related, but sh*t can i just get a break. just once? how many trials must i go through to show that i an worthy of something other than the cr*p that gets thrown my way each and every f*cking day? i mean, seriously how much more?

bring on the wine.

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