Monday, June 4, 2007


So, TNNA is over for this year. I don't think there are many instances where I'd wake up at 3:30am to catch a flight, but it was worth it.

So, Friday night. We go to the preview part (not sure what they call it, but whatev). Met and talked to this guy, commonly known as Frank Bielec from Trading Spaces. He was very nice.

Saturday, after the new buyer round table (tangent - there was a woman who was all "don't look at me like the unfavorite stepchild 'cause I'm running an online yarn store." Lady, I don't give an ef.) We went to Market. Holy Lord!

Who did I see (but was too nervous to speak to)?
Annie Modesitt
Amy Singer
Glampyre, aka Stephanie Japel

And more, but wow!

Sunday, I took a class from Andrea Wong on the Portuguese way of knitting. Very cool. Once I get my tension from being wonky, I'm switching period. Way too cool! Definitely, if you can take a class from her, do it.

So Friday was a 3:30am wake up call, Saturday and Sunday were both 6:30am wake-up calls. I slept for 12 hours last night, and I could sleep for another 12 tonight if I had the chance.

Also! Free sample yarns! New Clover velvet needles that are "wicked" smooth. A special edition Addi needle, size US 3 (no, you can't have it, and a ChiaGoo afghan hook).

Free magazine too!

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