Monday, May 28, 2007


I had every intention of working solely on my sockpalooza sock (didja get the pun?) this nice, long weekend.

Instead, I got sidetracked.

I decided instead of working on the 1st sock, I'd cast on for the 2nd -- that way the 2 socks will be done almost at the same time. See?

Using this time Pony Pearl 2.5mm needles. I'll need the plastic needles once I board Southwest to go to Columbus this weekend for TNNA.

Then, I realized I will be going to a friend's wedding in a smidge over a month, and need something to wear over my sleeveless dress. Enter the Retro Redux Shrug from Lace Style, in Knitpicks Merino Style Tide Pool.

Lastly, though I haven't been working on it, is my Chevron Scarf, part deux. This time using STR in Rose Quartz and Scottish Highlands.

I may ditch it all though and use the chebron scarf that domesticat came up with instead.

Add in nice, warm weather, giving a dog a bath and finding a dead bird's head in my yard (one the dog wanted to "play" with), and that's pretty much my weekend.

Random question: Is it wrong to think that the guy who sold me my car was a little cute, even though he's like 4 years younger than me?


T said...

4 years is nothing! We've been together 8-1/2 yrs and will be married 7 yrs this July & my hubby is 12 years younger. Hmmm thinking of sidetracked, we were just talking about our anniversary and I guess that's why I focused on the age thingy..

Heather said...

those are such perfect colours together!
and the age friend's husband is 13 yrs older than her, mine is almost 7 yrs older than me, and my mom's friend...who is older than she is... has a husband the same age as mine.
age is nothing...i would say it is maturity that matters but i dont know if guys ever actually grow up. :-)